Ligandrol Review: Dosing, Cycling, Stacking & Results

Ligandrol reviews always give incredible before and after photos, or at least incredible before and after muscle gain and fat cutting descriptions. But how good really are Ligandrol results?

I’m going to talk to you about Ligandrol as if you’ve never used it before, so this is quite the beginner’s guide. But more than that, it’s also a detailed Ligandrol review, telling you everything you need to know.

You’ll learn how to dose it and what your first LGD-4033 cycle should look like. You’ll learn how to stack it, side effects to watch out for as well. Plus, you’ll learn exactly what realistic LGD-4033 results look like.

I’ll finish this review by telling you about three places you can buy 100% pure Ligandrol from as well. Finding genuine Ligandrol for sale, in fact, any SARMs is almost as difficult as getting the most out of using them.

What Is SARM Ligandrol?

Ligandrol is a research chemical. That means its human trials were never finished. It was developed as a cure for muscle wasting diseases, and osteoporosis, meaning it helps to retain and grow muscle and helps bones to be less brittle.

Although it was developed 20 years ago, the original company that made it, Ligand pharmaceuticals, sold the license to another company. To date, no human trial data has been released from the new company, although trials are meant to conclude at the end of 2020.

It’s a selective androgen receptor modulator, a SARM. It targets androgen receptors (through testosterone) in the target areas of muscle and bone, telling them to grow and strengthen. It can also tell your body to burn fat rather than muscle. So it mimics testosterone in the body, in terms of sending signals to grow muscle and cut fat.

So in terms of the Ligandrol results that you can expect using this, for bodybuilders they typically are:

  • Fast and visible lean muscle growth
  • Repaired muscle growth is harder and more defined
  • Recovery times are dramatically increased as muscles repair faster
  • Energy levels grow because you’ll be able to work out and exercise more frequently
  • Ligandrol will burn fat more quickly than you can burn it naturally

But those impressive results don’t come easily. This is not an anabolic steroid.

You’ll have to work out guys. You’ll have to push yourself with your exercise routine. I mean really hard. You’ll have to back it up with cardio, great diet, and plenty of rest. But if you focus purely on making the most of your Ligandrol for a single cycle, I’m telling you that you’ll notice an incredible difference.

Is Ligandrol Safe?

The animal studies, and limited human studies, on LGD-4033 Ligandrol, found no side effects that caused any concerns.

Generally, SARMs have the potential to cause liver toxicity, but the anecdotal evidence for that in the real world is virtually zero. That’s the reason why Ligandrol was dropped during its initial research though.

The only real problem you’ve got with using it for bodybuilding, as long as you are sensible with dosing and breaks, is testosterone suppression.

Because Ligandrol mimics testosterone in the body, by sending messages to the same receptors as testosterone does, the body quickly starts to lower its own production because less is needed.

In some studies, this was as much as 30-50% in one month. So as you can see, that’s one hell of a drop in testosterone when you stop taking this stuff, and that’s why it is vital to use post-cycle therapy: a PCT supplement like Nolvadex, but probably Clomid.

Is Ligandrol Safe

Ligandrol Dosage

Ligandrol dosage advice is tough because it’s never really been through proper human studies. The only real studies did use doses as low as 1 mg per day. When you stack that up against bodybuilding sites advocating doses of 10 mg or more per day, you can see why that does difference causes me concern.

I was conservative, and for my first LGD-4033 cycle, I’d dosed at 5 mg per day, in a single dose per day.

However, it has got quite a short half-life, and if you want effects to work 24/7 then you would probably have to dose it twice daily. I’d suggest a dose of 3 milligrams, twice per day during your first cycle.

Recommended Ligandrol LGD-4033 Cycle

So let’s talk about that all-important first LGD-4033 cycle, and what you can realistically expect from it.

But before I do, let’s look at everything you need to do to achieve gains during that first cycle of Ligandrol:

  1. Eight-week Ligandrol cycle
  2. The eight-week break between cycles
  3. Dose at 3-5 mg twice per day
  4. Hit the gym at least three times per week
  5. Do cardio between sessions
  6. Diet is crucial to fuel muscles and help strip fat

If you’ve never used SARMs before, keep the dose low and stick to the advice given you here. I’m telling you that you will notice the difference. You will have an impact on lots more muscle you could naturally, you will a strict up to 5% body fat, and will feel fantastic.

How To Stack Ligandrol For Huge Muscle Gains

The power in SARMs is stacking. A great cycle can do wonders when compared to natural bodybuilding, but to really hit all angles, a SARMs stack is best. Ligandrol is perfect for stacking with other SARMs to bulk up and also strip some fat as well.

This is the exact Ligandrol-based stack that I used for an entire year to transform my body, and send my confidence and energy levels into orbit:

  • 10mg Ligandrol per day, dosed twice at 5 mg
  • 10 mg MK-677 (helps build energy levels and boost muscle and bone density)
  • 10 mg Cardarine (fuels workout sessions and muscle growth)
  • 5 mg Andarine S4 (a potent muscle building SARM)
  • 8-week SARMs cycle
  • At least a six-week break between cycles

In just one cycle you will notice an incredible difference. You will lose a ton of fat, and bulk up hugely. The harder you push things, the more you will benefit. Remember, SARMs are not anabolic steroids, they don’t work with little effort, but the harder you work, and the better you fuel your body, the more you’ll gain.

How To Find Pure Ligandrol For Sale

So I know it’s brief, but I hope that this Ligandrol review has been helpful. Stick to the stack I’ve just told you about, and in one cycle you’ll see Ligandrol results way above natural baseline.

The biggest battle with SARMs is actually buying them though. In one study, 52% of SARMs bought from online retailers didn’t contain any SARMs at all, let alone the one that was advertised. In fact, more contained anabolic steroids than contained SARMs in all the products they tested!

To avoid that horrendous situation, only buy SARMs from companies with a good online track record, and who publish independent third-party lab reports on the product pages to show each batch they buy in is definitely 100% genuine SARMs.

However, I just want to warn you that you will not find Ligandrol for sale on a legitimate USA based SARMs selling website.

The reason is simple. The company who hold the rights to the formula and the name have started to legally go after companies who are selling the white label Ligandrol.

So LGD4033, LGD-3303, it’s all disappearing fast.

For my recommended SARMs sellers below, the best of the bunch in the USA right now considering how many problems in there are with getting stock, I will be discussing the SARMs you can use instead.


Recommended #1: Chemyo

Chemyo are definitely the number one choice for USA-based SARMs sellers right now. There are several reasons why I use them:

  • Larger 50 ml dropper bottles
  • Larger total dose for your money
  • High-purity SARMs
  • Purity guaranteed through independent lab testing
  • Liquid and powdered SARMs
  • Suspension liquid sold for the powder
  • Moneyback guarantee
  • Credit card processing
  • Free postage are $100 in the USA

They don’t sell Ligandrol, the reasons I’ve outlined above. They do have a really good range of liquid and powdered SARMs.

For bulking, you’ve still got YK-11, RAD-140, MK-677 and very potent S-23.

If you want something that hardens your muscle tone and delivers gains, you could go for a strong dose of Andarine, or RAD-140, both of which will deliver similar results to Ligandrol


Recommended #2: Swiss Chems

Swiss Chems definitely best if you want high-purity SARMs capsules.

Historically, SARMs capsules have been more expensive than liquid or powder. That’s because it simply takes more effort to make the capsules.

However, prices of capsules from Swiss Chems have gone down significantly over the past year, to the point that there is only about a 10% premium.

For me, if you want the ultimate in convenience, exact dosing, and discretion, then capsules are definitely the way to go. This is especially true if you are just starting out with SARMs.

Again, they don’t sell Ligandrol. However you can buy very high purity RAD-150, MK-677, YK-11, and S-23 capsules.


Recommended #3: Brutal Force

Brutal Force sell SARMs alternatives. These are completely natural supplements that mimic the effects of SARMs.

Now, I’ll be upfront and tell you that although they are great, they are not as potent as SARMs. If they were then I wouldn’t be using SARMs.

But they do offer some good alternative strategies that most guys don’t consider:


  1. You can use them when you don’t want to use SARMs or you are having a break.


  1. You can stack them under a SARMs cycle for even greater results.


  1. You can run them post cycle as a stack with no side effects to offset some of the problems with low testosterone and to keep getting better results when most people go natural and stagnate.


The supplements are constructed to mimic the results of SARMs, and LIGABULK is the supplement which has been constructed to mimic Ligandrol.

It costs $60 for one month supply. If you buy three months, then the third one will be completely free. You’ll also get free global shipping.

Better than that though, are the stacks. Bulking, cutting, strength, and maintenance stacks are available. These can be stacked with SARMs stacks to really amplify your results and get more for the effort you put in.

You’ll save up to 50% on buying a stack. Plus, you’ll still get the third month free alongside paying nothing for global shipping.




UPDATE:, SARMs 4 You and Proven Peptides have gone out of business. I also have found low purity and trust with Umbrella Labs.  I recommend the following now based on my own use.



 Rats Army – CLOSED (As Of March 2022)

Rats Army are a great source of SARMs. They sell nine of the main types of SARMs, and they seem to have good stocks at fair prices considering it’s getting tougher to get SARMs.

As an example of pricing, they sell LGD-4033 for $52 right now (although prices are changing dramatically due to the Chinese SARMs ban, having gone up in price by about one-third in the past 12 months).

Apart from good pricing and high purity, the other reason I love Rats Army is that they sell peptides and prohormones as well. I’m not into prohormones, not even the modern ones that are safe and weaker, but some of the peptides out there are very useful on their own, or to stack.

Overall, Rats Army offers a great combination of purity, availability, and rapid delivery in the USA and beyond. I’ve used them twice now, and I’ll certainly be buying my next stack from them.

Swiss Chems

Swiss Chems are a company I’ve used for several years now. They used to sell liquid and capsules, but they have now started focusing purely on SARMs capsules.

SARMs capsules are more expensive than powder or sublingual liquid SARMs. However, they offer the perfect combination of convenience and dosing accuracy. For me, especially if you are a beginner or short of time and patience, this is perfect.

More than SARMs, Swiss Chems (like the other two recommendations here) also sell peptides and PCT supplements. Let me tell you, it’s actually quite tough to find a single seller to buy SARMs and PCT supplements from together.

So whatever you are looking for in terms of bodybuilding supplements to take is the next level, Swiss Chems can help, and because the exact dose to capsules they are perfect for beginners.

The price of SARMs capsules from Swiss Chems has come down dramatically in the past 12 months, by around 40%.

This makes SARMs capsules accessible to everyone. So you, anyone, can benefit from the convenience and exact dosing of capsules compared to liquid or powder.

Here’s a little trick to get 15% extra off the prices as well:

First, make sure that you take advantage of the 5% cashback scheme Swiss Chems run.

Second, when you check out, use the 10% discount code gyula10.

Put together, that takes 15% off the already lowering and attractive prices