LabCorp Drug Testing Prodecures & How To Pass A LabCorp Drug Test (Using Proven Evasion Methods)
In this quick guide, I’m going to tell you in just five minutes how you can pass any type of
Read moreIf you’re looking to pass a drug test, especially at short notice, then good quality synthetic urine is definitely the easiest and best way of doing it.
But many people don’t realize that. They think that fake urine is just awful quality, and they will get caught smuggling the sample in, or it won’t be as close to real human urine enough for them to fool the drug lab. But it’s easy to smuggle in, because you will not be searched. A good quality fake urine would have to face incredible scrutiny to get spotted.
The downside is there are a few problems with fake urine. Most brands out there aren’t complex enough to pass scrutiny.
Worse than that, some contain ingredients which it appears the drug labs have worked out how to spot during routine tests. That means only a few brands of fake urine out there are good enough to pass a drug test. But don’t worry, because in this category on fake urine, you going to learn which other best fake urine products, and which are the ones you need to avoid.
I’ll also tell you how to use them. The process for preparing them, smuggling them in, and the crucial problem around making sure they are submitted within the correct temperature range for human urine.
That’s the bit that confuses many people. People go online and rage that a certain brand of fake urine didn’t work for them. The truth is that most the time it is complex enough, the reason they got caught is because the sample was submitted outside the temperature range of human urine. It’s simply couldn’t have come from inside the human body.
So vitally, I’ll tell you how to prepare the sample correctly, which brands are best, which heating method is most reliable, and what to do if something goes wrong and you need to heat up, or cool down, the sample prior to submitting it.
Although there are other ways of passing a urine sample drug test, fake urine is better than all of them. Better than drug detox drinks, better than the long process of a natural detox (even if speed up by detox pills). At short notice, you can produce a valid sample, and pass any level of scrutiny as long as you pick the right brands, and know how to submit them properly.
Everything you need to know is right here in this category, with detailed synthetic urine reviews, discussion on the brands to avoid, exactly what needs to be in fake urine, how to prepare it, how to submit it, and what to do if things go wrong.
In this quick guide, I’m going to tell you in just five minutes how you can pass any type of
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